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Proxy Tool - ProxyShark


This application let’s you intercept and modify network traffic.

That can be illegal => you are warned.


I came across a challenge that needed me to modify tcp packages as man-in-the-middle.

I found a nice tool to do that; but without much information on how to set it up or use it.

Therefore I will provide those info’s to you:

The tool I’m talking about is called ‘proxyshark’. It’s a python2 program/script written by the company ‘CONIX Cybersecurity’ from france.

Just so I acknowledged it:

  1. I know you could code this from scratch by only using the netfilterqueue and scapy modules

  2. There are cleaner, faster and more up-to-date projects out there.. (p.e. pypacker)



My fork containing the fixes as described below:


At first I had some problems getting started with this script since the dependencies are ‘a little’ outdated.

Disclaimer: You might want to use this on a vm - since the dependencies will foul your system a little.

# install pip2 dependencies
apt install build-essential python-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev tshark git python2

# install pip2
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py
sudo python2 get-pip.py

# install pip packages
python2 -m pip install dnspython pyparsing

# scapy workaround
python3 -m pip install scapy
sudo mkdir /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scapy
cd /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/
sudo cp -avr scapy/* /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/scapy

Bugs & Fixes



The fixes are included in my fork of this project => link can be found above.

The capture bugged out on me.

Therefore I fixed some ‘bugs’ that broke it:

# Line 1159 => comment out the existing regex and replace it with this one:

# regex = r'^.*(\d+\.\d+) +([^ ]+) +-> +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +[^ ]+ +(.*)$'
regex = r'.*?(\d+\.\d+)\s*((?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}).*?((?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-91,3})\s*([A-Z]{3,20})\s*(.*)'  # might be problematic in edge-cases

# Line 1674 => add those lines before the 'if item_showname' matching:
if type(item_show) == 'unicode':
    item_show = item_show.encode('utf8')
if type(item_showname) == 'unicode':
    item_showname = item_showname.encode('utf8')



Run it with the ‘-t /usr/bin’ argument to use the newer apt-version of tshark => the one from their repo bugged out on me..

Packet modification

Somehow the ‘direct’ packet modification did not work.

I found the list object ‘_items_to_commit’ and modified the value in it => that worked

bpkt._items_to_commit[22]['value'] = 'aa02'


Some basic commands can be found in the ReadMe of the repository!

python2 ps1/proxyshark.py -v --capture-filter 'dst host' --packet-filter 'udp' -t /usr/bin/
  • Start the capture from the interactive mode by typing ‘run’

  • You should now see packages matching the filter by typing ‘packet’ (last one) or ‘queue’ (all)

  • Those packages can be ‘caught’ by defining a breakpoint.

  • Captured packets can be interacted with in the default python2 syntax.

  • All possible attributes etc. can be displayed by entering ‘bpkt.__dict__’ (after capturing some packet with a breakpoint)

  • Breakpoints can either pause the capture, so the packet can be edited manually, or modify it automatically with defined action

At first you might want to play around with the attributes of captures packets.

After that you can write automated actions to become a fully-grown m.i.t.m.


  • show tcp data attributes

  • show tcp flags

  • show ip destination

  • rewrite tcp-reserved bits in auto-mode:

    a add ta1 to tb1 "_flags = bpkt['tcp.flags'][0]['unmaskedvalue'][:1] + 'a' + bpkt['tcp.flags'][0]['unmaskedvalue'][2:]" "bpkt._items_to_commit[22]['value'] = _flags" "print _flags" "bpkt.accept()"